Agenda OpenVMS Update 22 November 2017 Amstelveen, Netherlands

This event is organized by VMSConsultancy/BGSoftware in cooperation with Hewlett Packard Enterprise,
VMSSoftware (VSI), Interexperience

09:30-09:45        Welcome                                                    Gerrit Woertman, VMSConsultancy
09:45-10:00        HP Enterprise OpenVMS Update (1-2)     Chris van Maaren, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
10:00-10:45        VSI OpenVMS Update and Roadmap incl. X86 hardware and storage
                                                                                               Gerrit Woertman, VMSConsultancy
10:45-11:00        Coffee Break
11:00-11:45        Mimer SQL Database                                 Bengt Gunne, CTO Mimer
11:45-12:15        VSI-varia: online-training                          Darya Zelenina, VMSSoftware
12:15-13:00        Lunch
13:00-13:30        VMS Strategy                                            Terry Holmes, VSI VP Sales & Marketing
13:30-14:00        Oracle(Rdb) update                                    Wolfgang Kobarg-Sachsse, VMSSoftware
14:00-15:00        VMS Advanced File System (VAFS)  & VSI Porting OpenVMS to X86    
                                                                                               Camiel Vanderhoeven, VMSSoftware
15:00-15:15        Break                                      
15:15-15:30        VSI Services                                               Gerrit Woertman, VMSConsultancy
15:30-16:15        VSI Alpha OpenVMS 8.4-2L2 and Performance Build
                                                                                               Gerrit Woertman, VMSConsultancy
16:15-16:45        OpenVMS-look back and look forward     Gerrit Woertman, VMSConsultancy
16:45-17:00        Q&A and Summary                                    all speakers
17:00-17:30        Drinks/snacks

Some links:
VSI OpenVMS website
Hewlett Packard Enterprise OpenVMS website
Dutch HPE User group: Interexperience
DECUServe:   Alpha with VSI-software
Google-group comp.os.vms

VMS-sig mailing list

1dec2017 Remarks: